
The kefir is a kind of yeast, fermetation starter that feeds of sugar(sweet food). The milk kefir is a fermented drink made of milk and kefir grains. There’s also water kefir, made of water and water, kefir grains and a few other ingredients. Here are some pictures of diferent tipes of kefir.


 fap        kefir grainsgupkefir-1

Translating posts

I’ve noticed that a lot of people have been seen my blog (around a 1,000 people), so I decided to start translating posts. If you want me to do it please comment the post you would like me to translate.

For spanish people: Si queréis que yo os traduzca algun artículo

del blog, por favor comentar y yo misma os lo traduzco.


The Passion fruit

Today I’m  going to show you a new fruit. The passion fruit.

There are plenty of varieties of passion fruit. There is the purple one, the orange one….. So I’m going to show you both of them. Some people think the passion fruit isn’t edible, but it is. You can do very tasty jelly or juice frutapvarfrom it. zumovaro


Did you know there is a plant that is as sweet as sugar?
The name of that plant is stevia. You can learn more about that plant at the wikipedia.
This is what it looks like :


Now you can be a member of this club, email us your name and surname,  age and country to sofiawwoof@gmail.com Don’t worry, your personal data will be saved and will not be shared with anyone.
You can send interesting news about wwoofing, farms, seeds, animals etc. You can send pictures, videos, link to webpages…



This is a blog specially designed for kids. In here you will know interesting news about WWOOF and family. There will be also pictures about WWOOF and animals like dogs, hens, etc.

I am the daughter of  WWOOF SPAIN coordinator. We live in the north of Spain.

I hope you enjoy it.

